Featured image of post 線上學習平台 Coursera 掛牌首日上漲 36%,市值達 59 億美元

線上學習平台 Coursera 掛牌首日上漲 36%,市值達 59 億美元

線上學習平台 Coursera 掛牌首日上漲 36%,市值達 59 億美元


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線上學習平台 Coursera 周三(31 日)在紐交所掛牌首日表現亮眼,收盤股價大漲 36% 至每股 45 美元,高於發行價每股 33 美元,市值為 59 億美元。

Coursera 以發行價目標價區間的高標每股 33 美元發行 1,573 萬股,募得近 5.2 億美元,估值約為 43 億美元。據市調機構 PitchBook 的數據,Coursera 先前在私募市場估值為 36 億美元。

Coursera 由曾任史丹佛大學的資訊工程系教授 Daphne Koller 與 Andrew Ng 教授於 2012 年創立,目的是為個人提供頂尖大學線上課程學習與獲得學位的機會,在新冠疫情流行期間,該項服務相當熱門。

Coursera 去年營收躍升 59% 至 2.93 億美元,但淨損卻從前年的 4,670 萬美元擴大至去年的 6,680 萬美元。Coursera 表示過去兩年來已增加超過 1.2 萬個學位,今年總註冊用戶數較去年成長 65%。

Coursera 執行長馬喬卡達(Jeff Maggioncalda)表示,線上學習課程在後疫情時代將會越來越流行,現在大部分學生與教師都採線上方式授課。雖然在某方面來說執行程度不容易,但這種學習方式因價格合理、品質好又便利而受到歡迎。

據 Coursera 的招股說明書,截至 2020 年 12 月 31 日,超過 150 所大學在該平台上提供 4,000 門以上的課程,其中還包括 20 多個學位課程。

透過 Coursera 平台獲取學士或碩士學位的費用從 9,000 美元至 45,000 美元不等,此外平台上還供各種教育認證與專業技能課程,價格從 9.99 美元至 99 美元不等。

在新冠疫情期間,Coursera 還與 330 個政府機構合作,其中包含逾 70 個國家與美國 30 個州的機關,推出勞動力復甦計畫(Coursera Workforce Recovery Initiative),協助公務員與失業民眾優化自身競爭力。

Coursera 此次 IPO 由摩根士丹利與高盛擔任承銷商。




疫情期間會員、收入大爆發!線上高等教育平台Coursera將IPO|數位時代 BusinessNext


Buying Coursera shares: what you need to know


When was the Coursera IPO?

Coursera’s IPO took place on March 31 2021, listing the company shares on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol ‘COUR’.

Coursera sold around 14.7 million shares of its common stock, with current shareholders offering 1.1 million shares. Lead underwriters for the offering were Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs, while Citigroup and UBS Investment Bank acted as additional bookrunners.

See more IPOs to watch in 2021.

Coursera IPO valuation: How much are Coursera shares worth?

Coursera stock began trading at $39 per share and closed up at $45 each, giving Coursera a market capitalisation of $5.9 billion at end of day.

Prior to the IPO, Coursera priced its shares at $33 – at the higher end of its target range – which would’ve raised approximately $519 million and given it a valuation of about $4.3 billion. So, all in all, the IPO was considered a great success for the firm.

Coursera’s previous valuation was $3.6 billion according to PitchBook.

How to trade Coursera shares

You can trade Coursera shares with City Index by following these four easy steps:

Open a City Index account, or log-in if you’re already a customer Search for ‘Coursera’ in our award-winning platform Choose your position and size, and your stop and limit levels Place the trade

Or, find out more about trading stocks and shares here.

What is Coursera?

Coursera is an online learning platform that colleges and universities can use to offer courses on a variety of subjects, including machine learning and cloud computing. It aims to give access to education to all, regardless of geography or socioeconomic background.

Coursera was created in 2011, when Stanford professor Andrew Ng started recording and releasing videos of himself lecturing on machine learning. Within just a few weeks, the videos were reaching more than 100,000 people.

Together with his colleague Daphne Koller, Ng launched Coursera as a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platform. While there are a huge number of MOOCs available, Coursera has quickly become the largest.

Coursera is partnered with over 190 institutions from more than 40 countries and offers 3,200+ courses in 13 different languages.

How does Coursera make money?

Coursera makes money by charging users a fee to enter and use various parts of its platform. While it does offer free course access too, its product and payment structure looks something like this:

Signature tracks – these courses cost between $30-$100

Specialisations – a monthly subscription that costs between $39-$89

Coursera Plus – an annual subscription which costs £287 per year

Coursera degrees – a full degree program can be between $15,000 to $45,000

Coursera for businesses – this costs companies $400 per employee per year.

On April 24 2020, Coursera even started offering Coursera Workforce Government Recovery initiative, which would allow governments to give unemployed workers access to Coursera’s courses. Each government would receive up to 50,000 licenses.

This effort attracted more than 1 million learners worldwide, equating to a further 6.6 million course enrolments.

As all of Coursera’s revenue is generated through online avenues, it benefitted from a surge in demand during the Covid-19 pandemic. As of March 2021, Coursera’s platform was used by more than 3,700 colleges and universities, with enrolment rising from 45 million last year to 76 million.

Is Coursera profitable?

Coursera is not currently profitable. Despite recording a record revenue of $293.5 million in 2020, the company posted a net loss of $66.8 million, up 43% from the previous year.

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Revenue $60M $100M $140M NA $293.5M

What is Coursera’s strategy?

Coursera believes that as the world job market moves further toward automation and digital processes, educating the workforce on the skills needed will be crucial. Coursera’s strategy is based on offering a variety of different products at different experience levels for different prices.

While most MOOCs are created without a business strategy per say, Coursera has managed to monetise its platform. This has meant that Coursera no longer falls into the ‘free education’ concept that most MOOCs are based on.

Coursera has also been expanding away from the simpler online courses into offering fully online bachelor’s and master’s degrees that range in cost from $15,000 to $45,000. There are now more than 11,000 students enrolled in 26 programs.

The global online education sector is expected to be worth between $42 billion and $66 billion by 2026, and currently Coursera has the largest market share of this.

Who are the directors of Coursera?

Coursera’s leadership team, as of April 1 2021, looks like:

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